Wednesday, March 28, 2007

One up on Picasso!

Hi all,
With my painting hat firmly on and trademark dungarees again caked in paint the artistic muse seems once again to be in full flow! So, with all caution abandoned I today launched into the joy of abstract painting. Now here I have a confession to make…I’ve never painted an abstract painting. (Gasps from the auditorium!) Yes, I‘ve made regular incursions into the realms of semi-abstract but until today I’ve never gone the full Monty. Still, is that such a surprise? After all Picasso went his whole career without painting a single abstract picture (Yes really). Um, suppose I should savor this moment knowing that for the only time in my artistic career I’ll be one up on Picasso!

In truth I’ve never been able to cast off the desire to be representational. My paintings always needed to tell a story, to evoke a scene in my minds eye. Much as I loved the great abstract masters I bolted at the notion of letting go and applying my self purely to the harmony of colour and the rhythm of shapes.

So, it’s not without reason I named my first abstract painting ‘Flourish’ since that describes perfectly the mood in which it developed. Again I used my favored acrylics on top of a pre-prepared textured surface (20"x30" box canvas) which creates a superb impasto effect. Also it gives the paint the perfect surface to bite into. Then I'm all set just to let the creative impulse flow... gestures take form as ideas come to life. The beauty of painting! Perhaps I’ll try the same tomorrow?

Catch you later