Thursday, February 08, 2007

Corel Unveil Painter X

Painter Power?
Hi all,
Just a quick(ish) word to mention this week’s new release of Corel Painter X. Anybody who’s ever used Corels superlative painting software to recreate natural media will know that no other painting software comes even close Yes I know Adobe Photoshop is probably the industry leader in photographic and image manipulation. However, when it comes to the business of replicating oils, acrylics or pastels (to mention just a few) Painter is the natural choice for artists, illustrators and anyone wishing to unleash their creative talents via the PC.

Anyway, I’ve just downloaded the free 30 day trial (I just love trying out new software!) and I’ll let you know exactly what I think in the very near future! If you fancy trying it yourself (Go on, give it a bash) simply follow this link to the Corel download page… Corel Painter X have fun. I know I will!

Catch you later
